Josh Brage

Welcome Peter to the Blogosphere
November 30, 2007, 5:43 pm
Filed under: Blog

Peter Colon is now blogging.

Welcome him with some linklovin’.

I did.

It is an Abomination
November 27, 2007, 5:58 pm
Filed under: Rockstar

So, Mark wants Guitar Hero III for Christmas. To me this is the most farout, unexplainable thing I have ever dealt with.

So here goes my main thesis. Video Games exist for one purpose – engaging in entertaining activities via a fantasy world. For example, I thoroughly enjoy Madden 08 on the 360. I love feeling like I am playing NFL football. In real life do I play NFL football? Absolutely not. However, I can engage vicariously in something that I would not be able to engage in otherwise via a video game system. Same goes for 007 Goldeneye. I am not an international superspy. But I can be via a game system. To me this is the appeal. That is the point. People love to engage in all kinds of fantasy worlds, whether it be NFL football, super-spydom, leader of a SWAT team, general over multiple magical armies, etc, etc, etc.

Now, what I do not understand about Mark’s desire to play Guitar Hero is the fact that he can already play guitar. The allure of Guitar Hero is that I can pick up a Les Paul connected (wirelessly) to a 360 and go to town. The crowd cheers, I play music and BAM – I AM A ROCKSTAR! Mark already is a rockstar. He has played guitar for, literally, dozens of people. He can engage in said activity of playing music and listening to crowds roar anytime he wishes. So what is the point of the fantasy. Similarly, Evan has been playing Tony Hawk. Evan is a great skater. He has traveled the world, skateboarding. What in the world is the appeal for him to sit and control a person to do things in a fantasy environment that he could, right now, walk outside and do? I do not understand. At all.

Anyway, I hope Mark gets GHIII. I root for Evan on Tony Hawk. What do I care it is just video games!


This is All You Need for Election Day ’08
November 24, 2007, 5:02 pm
Filed under: America, Politics, Presidents

Screw the blogs.

He is Gone.
November 24, 2007, 4:36 pm
Filed under: Husker Football


Makes me happy.

HuskerMike reports that apparently the meeting ended abruptly.

By Bill. Hi Bo.

Check Out These Photos
November 21, 2007, 4:36 pm
Filed under: Family, Friends

Brian Morris at the church just obtained a Nikon D40X for the church’s use and is gracious enough to allow me to touch it and take some shots myself. I did last night. This camera is uber-nice. I have no doubt that after a couple more sessions with it, we will be taking GREAT shots. In my opinion, I just let the camera do the work. Here are a couple of shots that I took of Michaela (my favorite 2 year old ever.)

(Check out my Flickr here)




November 21, 2007, 4:25 pm
Filed under: America, Blog, Web

That is where I am putting my Dell.

It is time to pay it off and buy a MacBook. Yep, the time has come.

It is a great Dell. Great for home media includes a large 250 GB hard drive and Vista Home Premium (which is pretty darn decent.) Let me know if you want to buy it.

Check out the Craigslisting here

If you want to just donate to the MOVE HOSHI TO MAC Campaign EMAIL ME AT JOSHBRAGEATGMAILDOTCOM

Happy Thanksgiving!
November 20, 2007, 6:21 pm
Filed under: America

11.18 ReAction – Philippians 2 and 3
November 19, 2007, 6:33 am
Filed under: ReAction

Tonight we started with a simple question, “If you could be in any band which band? Or what rockstar would you want to be?” GREAT answers. I found out we have a whole group of older metal fans. Answers ranged from Stryper to ACDC to Metallica. We had a couple of classic shout-outs – Bob Dylan, Will Ferrell from the Blue Oyster Cult sketch. I choose Bono – – duh.

Tonight we continued our discussion about Philippians with Chapter 2. The night actually developed into most of us just getting our mind blown by hearing Philippians 2 out of the Message Bible. (I have posted a PDF of the entire book of Philippians from the Message, do yourself a favor. Print it off and read through it this week, I guarantee you will get a ton out of it! I will be spending all of my devo time immersed in it this week.)

The main question we had after reading the first passage which is Paul imploring us to get along with each other is what makes that so difficult? The main answer that we had was that our most base human nature is completely self-motivated. Completely. Think of a very young child. The only thing that motivates them is their needs. They want what they want and they want it now. They do not take into consideration the people around them or other people’s needs. We are much like that. We have to fight our very nature to prefer others.

So now the question turned to how in the world do we rid ourselves of that? How do we move forward and more towards Christ? A main answer is that we can’t. Based on the understanding that our very nature, the make-up of who we are, is NOT going to behave that way we MUST look elsewhere. That is where the great mystery of Christ living in us and through us comes into play. We must look to Christ – who’s nature is different than ours’. Christ is the One.

Zach made a great point that one of the largest hindrances to this process is our culture. We live in a microwave culture. We expect things immediately. Our culture has taught us that we can and should have whatever we want whenever we want it. We want quick-fixes. That is not how Christ operates. That is not how Christianity functions. We will change, our nature will change, we will develop character, but all of things will come over time – lots and lots of time.

The next verse that we settled on was verse 12 which tells us that we must “work our our salvation with much fear and trembling?”

Sarah made the observation that we must run the race. Again we talked about how our paradigm of salvation must not be limited to a “Ticket to Heaven” idea. It must be one where we understand salvation as a two-fold process – both the legality of “now I am going to heaven” and the constant “I am being saved from myself.” We are being saved. Not from sin alone, not from hell, but we are being saved from the thing that is most at odds with Christ and a relationship with Him – our SELVES. That is a constant process. God will always bring more things to the table to save you from. You will always create more selfish things that you need God’s help to rid your life of. Salvation is cool.

We talked about the fact that that kind of perspective allows for mistakes, but not for patterns of sinful behavior. God is disappointed we we fall/sin. He isn’t mad at us, but He hates the sin because it gets in the way of us relating to Him. BUT we think that He would be far more disappointed when we do not learn and grow from those mistakes. Mistakes are one thing, but willfully being stupid is another.

One of the highlights of our discussion of humility. We find that humility is NOT being totally mild-mannered and weak-willed about things. We found that true, deep humility comes from honesty. Honestly about who you are. Humility and confidence go hand in hand. Christ was able to be completely humbled to the point of BECOMING FLESH AND DWELLING AMOUNG US because He knew who He was. (This idea of humility and pride is something that God is working with me on and I will have some further discussion of later this week . . . stay tuned.)


Renee had the quote of the night with her response to this verse – “Complaining is just annoying anyway.”

We ended by spending a little time in the first part of Chapter 3 and again just realizing how awesome of a relationship Paul had with Christ. His relationship came through experience and through trials. We must follow his example and realize that no matter how much we have – it is all worthless compared to actually knowing Christ.

It was a good night. We played some poker afterwards and wrote some more songs. If you are a participant – thanks for coming! Aaron and all the leadership team welcome ideas and input about what is going on. Let us know what you think. Email me, myspace Aaron, communicate with us! My email is Have a great Thanksgiving and I will see you all very soon!

(Here are these notes in PDF)

(Here is Philippians from The Message)

50 Wings + 2 Hours + Great Friend = My Purpose in Life
November 17, 2007, 5:44 pm
Filed under: America, Friends


Priorities? People? Action? Ministry?
November 17, 2007, 5:41 pm
Filed under: Walk with God, Whatever

In life you have to constantly be examining your priorities. Especially as you are young and developing. Why do I say this? Because you must sit down and decide what is important to you. Otherwise you will be uncertain in your decision making. In my life, just like you, I have a constant stream of things that are vying for my time, energy and attention. If you are uncertain in your priorities (as I often am) you will constantly be pulled and bounced around among so many different things that you will never feel like you are getting anywhere. Do you ever feel like that? I am coming out of that a lot. It seems like I am settling on my main priorities both in people who I want to spend time with and ideas that I want to develop in my world. I am beginning to feel more stable as a person. This is a very good thing. My question to you is where are your priorities? What are you thinking about? What are you attempting to develop in your life?

(I will post last and actually tell you what mine are!)

Risk 2210 – Invade Earth
November 14, 2007, 9:52 pm
Filed under: America, Fun, Whatever

Last night I played a Java version of Risk 2210 called Invade Earth.  You can find it here it you want to play.

This is the screenshot coming out of my turn in the 5th and final year. All me baby!


LOST Retreat 2007
November 13, 2007, 6:02 pm
Filed under: Catalyst

This retreat is going to be amazing. I am happy to be a part of it! Please pray for our team as we gear up and get ready for it!


November 13, 2007, 5:44 pm
Filed under: America, Morning

Currently I am eating an apple.  I really like apples.

Right now I am eating a Fuji apple. That is my #3 apple.

#1 – Pink Lady (No Contest)

#2 – Honeycrisp (Huge and Awesome!)

#3 – Fuji

Those are pretty much the only apples I will eat.

November 12, 2007, 11:15 pm
Filed under: Baseball; Rockies

That is what I think of Ryan Braun edging out Tulow in today’s National League Rookie of the Year announcement. Absolute bullcrap. I guess actually fielding a groundball and ACTUALLY HELPING YOUR TEAM GO TO THE PLAYOFFS doesn’t add up to a hill of beans in this crazy mixed-up world.


Troy you are number 1 in my book!

(Prediction: Matt will get hosed too.)